Surgical Removal of large torus palatinus to put dentures


  • จุฑามาศ คงปาน โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Torus palatinus


              The elderly often have the problem of occlusion. Chewing is not easy ,due to the loss of some teeth or losing teeth to the mouth. So there is need for dentures to replace natural teeth are removed. In order to enhance occlusion. Prior to the dentist will make dentures. An intraoral examination must be thoroughly. For diagnosis and treatment planning. In the case of patients with the irregular bone in the oral cavity. Which can be divided into three types according to the common areas are: 1. Palatine called torus palatinus 2. inside of the lower jaw, called a torus mandibularis 3. Outside of the jaw bone is called a buccal exostosis,found near the gum ridge cheeks. In Thailand was reported,patients with torus have 31.9% and is commonly found in adults. The irregular bone is caused by a thickening of the bone surface. The growth of abnormal bone surface slowly without pain. In terms of treatment, If the bones are small and do not cause problems. It is not necessary to be treated. But if you want to wear removable dentures. Then the position of the denture base to be placed over the button, these bones. This can cause ulceration from pressure of dentures. You should consider surgery to remove the bone out. The dentist must be an assessor. Considering the pros and cons of various co-factors. Involving patients with diseases such as medications that patients receive.Collaborative treatment will make dentures successful


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How to Cite

คงปาน จ. (2018). Surgical Removal of large torus palatinus to put dentures. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(4), 1327–1336. retrieved from



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