A Chickenpox Surveillance Evaluation in Vachira Phuket hospital, Phuket 2015


  • วิทิตา แจ้งเอี่ยม โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี
  • อรนิดา พุทธรักษ์ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


chickenpox, surveillance evaluation, quantitative attributes, qualitative attributes


             Background : In 2015, There is a chickenpox outbreak in pediatric ward and staffs of in-patient department at Vachira Phuket hospital. This outbreak adversely affects to the hospital. To find problems, we analyze and evaluate a chickenpox surveillance system in Vachira Phuket hospital.
             Methods : This study aims to revise an algorithm, determine feature of quantitative and qualitative attributes of chickenpox surveillance system and give recommendations to the hospital. We reviewed medical records and assigned ICD 10 code during 1st January – 31st December 2015. Case definition of chickenpox from Bureau of Epidemiology was used. Total 881 cases were reviewed and we interviewed staffs who work in this surveillance system.
             Results : Total 881 cases were reviewed and 423 cases met the case definition. 300 cases out of 423 cases were reported to the surveillance system (sensitivity70.92%) and 300 cases out of 305 reported cases met the definition (PVP 98.36%). The report can represent the surveillance system. Accuracy of records was 100% and timeliness was 99.34%. The qualitative attributes show some problems which are the system is not simple and accepting from staffs. On the other hand, flexibility stability and usefulness of the surveillance system are all good.
              Conclusions and discussions : The quantitative attributes of the surveillance system at Vachira Phuket hospital do not have a problem. Every quantitative attribute is good to excellent level. Although the qualitative attributes have problems in simplicity and acceptability. These make the chickenpox prevention ineffective which cause the chickenpox spread in the hospital. Therefore, inform knowledge on how important and process of the system should be provided to personnel staffs to improve the surveillance system function especially acceptability.


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How to Cite

แจ้งเอี่ยม ว., & พุทธรักษ์ อ. (2018). A Chickenpox Surveillance Evaluation in Vachira Phuket hospital, Phuket 2015. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(4), 1373–1382. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/176501



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