Incidence and changing of dilated lactiferus duct in Thai women


  • นิธิมา ศรีเกตุ Suratthani Hospital


breast duct or lactiferous duct


              Incidence and changing of dilated lactiferous duct in Thai women are the aim of this retrospective descriptive study .Result of this research may be benefit for setting of appropriated interval follow up in guideline of treatment .
              Data collection about 5,127 Thai women was retrospective descriptive design of mammography or ultrasonography via PACS of Surat Thani Cancer Hospital on July 2013 until July 2015.Data was concern about content in dilated lactiferous duct, number of dilated lactiferous duct, location of dilated lactiferous duct and associated abnormality such as cyst or mass.
              Result of this study showed that about 1.69% of Thai women have dilated lactiferous duct . For the groups which have multiple dilated lactiferous duct in subareolar region or dilated lactiferous duct with clear content were not changing (77.69-77.98%) and the second common event was disappearance of dilated lactiferous duct (13.56-18.64%). Time about changing’s dilated lactiferous duct was on 6 months interval(36.36%) and on 12 months interval
(27.27%).Isolated dilatation of lactiferous duct was most common finding but the most common associated abnormality were cyst (37.04%) and no evidence of related breast cancer (0%)
             Thai women who have turbid content in dilated lactiferous duct or multiple dilated lactiferous duct beyond subareolar region or single dilated lactiferous duct in subareolar region and beyond subareolar region can not summary because it were very small data (10 samples) to interpretation. Further study with richness data collections will benefit for be reliable research.
              However, about result of this research may be benefit for guideline of dilated lactiferous duct for clinician that suggest 6 months follow up was the appropriated follow up for multiple dilated lactiferous duct or dilated lactiferous duct with clear content which correlated with BI-RADS CATEGORY III.


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ภิรมย์ กมลรัตนกุล, มนต์ชัย ชาลาประวรรตน์, ทวีสิน ตันประยูร “หลักการทำวิจัยให้สำเร็จ” คณะแพทยศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย หน้า 9-13




How to Cite

ศรีเกตุ น. (2019). Incidence and changing of dilated lactiferus duct in Thai women. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(4), 1419–1430. retrieved from



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