Trends in road accidents and their associated risk factors in Sichon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat


  • บุญยืน ศรีสว่าง Suratthani Hospital


road accident, risk factors of accidents


              The study aims to investigate the incidence of road accidents and also the associated factors that related to the road accidents in Sichon district, Nakhon Si Thammarat. The study population was road accident victims who came to receiving treatment at Sichon hospital between December 2017 and February 2018 amount 324 cases. The study instruments mainly were using Sichon hospital road accidents information record forms. All data were analyzed and reported in terms of frequency, percentage and using Chi-square statistic for find out the associated risk factors of road accidents.
              The result of the study found that road accident victims mainly were male (57.4%) with age between 16 and 25 (26.9%). The time period that usually had an accidents was range from 4 pm. to 6 pm. (17.3%). Normally road accident victims were a driver (76.5%) and mostly rode motorcycle (88%). It was noticed that most accidents were occurred without parties (64.65%). Importantly, data was confirmed that most casualties were not wearing safety helmets or safety belts when riding or driving (76.3%). In addition, most drivers were not drinking (95.1%) and the road accidents often occurred in rural areas (69.4%). There were 59.6 percentages of road accident victims were not having a severe of injury.
              With regard to the risk factors, data was highlighted that sex, age, type of vehicles, driver’s risk behaviors and road conditions were significantly related to the road accident (p<0.01). Indeed, sex, age, driver’s risk behaviors and road conditions were also significantly related to the severity of injury in each case (p<0.05).


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How to Cite

ศรีสว่าง บ. (2018). Trends in road accidents and their associated risk factors in Sichon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(4), 1451–1462. retrieved from



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