Evaluation The Effectiveness of “Termya Termsuk” (Fill Pills Fill Happiness) Project


  • สมสุข สัมพันธ์ประทีป Suratthani Hospital


“Termya Termsuk” (Fill pills Fill Happiness), High Blood Pressure And Diabetes, Pharmacy Pharmacists, Quality Pharmacy


              “Termya Termsuk” (Fill Pills Fill Happiness) project make chronic patients such as diabetes or high blood pressure that is considered by physicians, according to the criteria defined have option to receive medicines from pharmacypharmacists instead of receiving medicines at the hospital.It had shown that there is not difference in treatment. Evaluation the effectiveness of “Termya Termsuk” (Fill Pills Fill Happiness) project is to find guidelines for projects development to be more appropriate. The study was conducted into 3 groups.For the 1st group,275 samples of diabetes and high blood pressure patients
group wasselected from 33,014 of totalfound that most of them are the patients of Vachira Phuket hospital ( 80.7 percent) with both symptoms of high blood pressure and diabetes (63.3 percent).They don’t know “Termya Termsuk” (Fill Pills Fill Happiness) project (88.7 percent). From those 31 patients who knew this project, nobody has attended entirely. For the recognizedpatients, most do not expect to participate (44.4 percent). Most patients have the credibility to carry out the “Termya Termsuk” project by average is moderate(average 3.40).They were most reliable on the issues of quality and standards of the pharmaceutical/ medical supplies and followed by the performance of the pharmaceutical / medical supplies from the attended pharmacy and pharmacist knowledge respectively. By the effective treatment issues, most patients are appropriate in the quality and standard of the pharmaceutical / medical supplies, followed by personnel / pharmacists for advice and “Termya Termsuk” project carrying on respectively. Most of known “Termya Termsuk” project are more
prefer to go to hospital than pharmacy because they are not confidence in treatment bypharmacists and the hospital appointment to get medicines is not too frequent. The 2nd group is pharmacists in health service of government. Most of them work in Vachira PhuketHospital ( 61.9 percent). It found that theyagreed with the project implementation(average 3.81) and are ready and enthusiastic forpatient services. For the ready of place is moderate (average 3.05) due to narrowness of place,long waiting times for treatmentand small patient services area. For the academic issues, most pharmacists strongly
agreed (average 3.83) in term of the adequacy,effectiveness of medicines / pharmaceuticals and the readiness to give advice / knowledge in treatment.They suggested“Termya Termsuk” project to patients with diabetes and high blood pressure is a good project, but it is not yet known to the public and patients. It should increase more public relations (average 4.24). The 3rd group is pharmacypharmacists, most of them strongly agreed with project implementation (average 4.24). For the personnel issues, there are pharmacists to educate people all the time (average 4.34), followed by there are adequate pharmacists
for services and are ready to advise patients. For pharmaceuticals issues, pharmacy pharmacists strongly agreed with the appropriateness of standard and quality (average 4.34), followed by the adequate and ready of pharmaceuticals in treatment respectively. For the pharmacy issues, they agreed with pharmacy is fast, followed by the convenience to access and the readiness for patient services respectively. Pharmacy pharmacists comment that there are small amounts of patients in project participating. Most of them always go to hospital.


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How to Cite

สัมพันธ์ประทีป ส. (2016). Evaluation The Effectiveness of “Termya Termsuk” (Fill Pills Fill Happiness) Project. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(2), 59–68. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/178598



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