Drug Utilization review in patients with gouty arthritis at Takuatung Hospital


  • นวรัตน์ เจตนานนท์ Suratthani Hospital


Drug Utilization review in patients with gouty arthritis, The factors of patients, the factors of physician


              Objective : To evaluate the effectiveness for gouty arthritis with anti-hyperuricemic drugs in according to the Rational Drug Use hospital Project and factors effecting gouty arthritis drugs usage in patients. Method : This study was a retrospective descriptive study during August 1, 2013- July 31, 2015 of outpatients who were diagnosis with gouty arthritis ICD10 code. (M.10.00 - 10.99) Results : Study samples were 151 patients from outpatients department have been treated with anti - hyperuricemic drugs then in adjusted dosing of anti-hyperuricemic drugs until uric acid level less than 6 mg/dl in 1 year and 2 years after start of treatment. There were 5 cases of 36 patients (13.9 %) and 7 cases of 52 patients (13.5 %),respectively. (Criteria ≥ 60%. In the period of 1 years and ≥ 80%. In the period of 2 years after start of treatment) There were 7 cases did not evaluate for uric acid level throughout the study. The results showed that factors significantly related to reduce uric acid level were : missed doses from lost follow up patients and failed to receive anti-hyperuricemic drugs. (p-value < 0.05) The factors of patients include sex, age, body mass index, underlying diseases , period of anti-hyperuricemic drugs usage, the factors of physician include adjusted dosing of anti-hyperuricemic drugs, the continuous monitoring, follow the Laboratory examination and the factors of the medication include of other prescription medications effect on uric acid level, adverse drug reactions and drug-drug interactions were not significant related to reduce uric acid level. Conclusion: Evaluation of gouty arthritis drugs usage in patients of Takuatung hospital below the standard of the Rational Drug Use
hospital Project. Factor that help in leading to success were the participation of doctor and patients to goal setting of treatment, the continuous monitoring.


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How to Cite

เจตนานนท์ น. (2016). Drug Utilization review in patients with gouty arthritis at Takuatung Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(3), 115–128. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/178700



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