Effectiveness of Implementation of Decreasing Cardiovascular Disease, Health Network Chumphon Province.


  • กุสุมา สุวรรณบูรณ์ Suratthani Hospital


Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes


              This quasi experimental study aimed to evaluate effectiveness of process on decreasing cardiovascular disease (CVD), Chumphon Health Network. Study was conducted during January 2015 to June, 2016. The diabetes and hypertension patients were screened cardiovascular disease risk (CVD risk). Total of
10,952 patients were CVD risk and classify to 3 groups including; mild risk, high risk and severe risk. The mild risk and high risk were participated on individual and group health education with slide and video of knowledge and health behavior on CVD prevention. They were evaluated CVD risk every 6-12 months. For the severe risk, they were participated the behavioral reformative program for CVD prevention with acceptable and social support of CVD prevention were applied in group process during 12 weeks by researcher. Knowledge, attention to treat and CVD prevention behavioral was collected by questionnaire before and after participated the behavioral reformative program for CVD prevention. Descriptive statistics including frequency percentage mean minimum maximum and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. Paired sample t-test was used to analyze the differential.
              Finding revealed that after attended the individual and group health education with slide and video of knowledge and health behavior on CVD prevention, the mild risk and high risk were able to control blood sugar and blood pressure that CVD risk decreasing 18.2% and 17.7% respectively. For the sever risk showed that before and after participated the behavioral reformative program for CVD prevention the average knowledge score of CVD were 10.5
and 13.6, the average attention to treat of CVD prevention were 23.3 and 27.2, and the average CVD prevention behavioral score were 49.5 and 59.1 with statistically significant (t=-26.1 -44.5 and 62.9 respectively p<0.01). Therefore the ministry of public health should be supporting policy on developing system of CVD controlling and prevention with appropriate for each context, in order to decrease incident and death rate of CVD effectively.


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How to Cite

สุวรรณบูรณ์ ก. (2016). Effectiveness of Implementation of Decreasing Cardiovascular Disease, Health Network Chumphon Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(3), 159–168. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/178874



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