Efficacy of The screening program and management of children at risk for developmental or learning problems in 12 primary schools in Phuket province.


  • ประเวศ ปรีดาชัยกุล Suratthani Hospital


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Autistic spectrum disorder, Learning disorder, Intellectual problems


              Objective : To study the effectiveness of the screening program and management in students with developmental and learning problems in primary school in Phuket.
              Method : Data were collected from finished project using screening program and management in students with developmental and learning problems in 12 primary schools in Phuket. 10,737 students had been screened by The Behavioral Observational Screening Tests for the risk to have Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Autistic spectrum disorder, Learning disorder or Intellectual problems. 827 of them were identified to be in the risk group. 154 of the students in the risk group had been participated in the treatment program. After the project had proceeded for 1 year, teachers then assessed their students with the same test again. This study separated the students in the risk group into treated and not treated groups, then randomly selected 50 students from each groups, then compared the change of the symptom score from the test and an academic result.
              Result : The students in the risk group who had been participated in the treatment program had a better symptom score from the test and had a better academic result at P < 0.01. The treated group had more chance, odds ratio 9.333, to have a better symptom score and had more chance, odds ratio 7.319, to have a better academic result.
              Conclusion : The students in the risk group who had been participated in the treatment program had a better symptom score and had a better academic result. But only 18% of these students were participated in the treatment program so we should find the way to increase the numbers of the students in the risk group to be participated in the treatment program.


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How to Cite

ปรีดาชัยกุล ป. (2016). Efficacy of The screening program and management of children at risk for developmental or learning problems in 12 primary schools in Phuket province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(3), 179–186. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/178910



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