The relationships between personal factors with laboratory in police officers at Ampur Maung Phangnga, Phangnga.


  • สิรินาฏ พัฒนพิชัย Suratthani Hospital


chronic disease, police officers


              A cross-sectional study of 144 police officers who working at MaungPhangnga,Phangnga district since January 18,2016 was perform to evaluate the relationships between personal factors with laboratory in police officers at AmpurMaung Phangnga, Phangnga. The result reveal that sex were different significantly among uric acid,BUN,Creatinine,HDL,SGOT,SGPT.Police rank were different significantlyamong HDL,Triglyceride,SGPT&ALP., Drinking alcohol
were different significantly among uric acid ,SGOT. Age were relative with BUN, creatinine significantly.BMI were relative with urine protein, urine sugar,fasting blood sugar(FBS), triglyceride, HDL ,SGPT and ALP significantly.Waist hip ratio were relative with uric acid,BUN, creatinine,HDL,
triglyceride,SGPTsignificantly.Smoking were relative with BUN,systolic blood pressure,urine protein ,fasting blood sugar(FBS), uric acid,BUN,
creatinine,cholesterol,LDL,triglyceride significantly. Systolic blood pressure were relative with urine protein, fasting blood sugar(FBS),uric acid, BUN ,creatinine ,cholesterol,LDL, triglyceride significantly.Diastolic blood pressure were relative with urine protein, fasting blood sugar(FBS),triglyceride


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How to Cite

พัฒนพิชัย ส. (2016). The relationships between personal factors with laboratory in police officers at Ampur Maung Phangnga, Phangnga. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(3), 205–215. retrieved from



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