Effectiveness of Health Promotion Program among Diabetes Mellitus Type II Patients in Powai Primary Care Unit, Surathani Hospital
Health promotion programAbstract
Effectiveness of Health Promotion Program among Diabetes Mellitus Type II Patients in Powai Primary Care Unit, Surathani Hospital was a pre-experiment research. The objective aimed to investigate an effects of health promotion program on exercise knowledges , behavioral change and blood sugar control among diabetes patients. A study was conducted in Powai Primary Care Unit ,Surathani Hospital during April 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. Subjects were asked to complete interview questionnaires consisted of general basic informations, exercise knowledges and exercise behavioral likert scales. A cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of exercise knowleges was 0.6 and the data was analyzed using various statistical analyses including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Wilcoxon and Paired t-test.
The results of exercise knowledges were statistical significantly increasing after using the program immediately and at one month. The exercise behaviors were increasing after using the program one month (X=30.7, X=31.5, respectively), and the patients had better blood sugar control after using the program.
Health promotion program was related to have better outcomes such as exercise knowledges, behaviors and blood sugar control, therefore health care providers should promote the effective program ,appropriate exercises that fit to each patients to increase their interests and maintenence behavior modification.
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