Maternal Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Infant at Krabi Hospital


  • ทวีลาภ โชติกิตติกุล Suratthani Hospital


LBW infant, risk factor


              Low birth weight (LBW) infant is an important indicator of obstetrical services. Mortality, morbidity and developmental impairment are increased in these infants more than normal weight infants. To find out maternal risk factors of LBW infant born in Krabi Hospital, a retrospective case control study was performed. 1,628 mothers who delivered during October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015 at Krabi Hospital were included in the study. 120 mothers who
delivered infants of weight <2,500 gm were the study group and the rest 1,508 mothers who delivered infant weight ≥2,500 gm were the control group. Characters of population were described with number and percent. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and multiple logistic analysis, using odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) at level of significant p≤0.05. Univariate analysis revealed that maternal gestational age<37weeks(OR = 10.05),
maternal weight gain <10 kg (OR = 4.08), body mass index <20 kg/m2 (OR = 2.20) and antenatal care (ANC) visit <4 times (OR = 3.48) were significant risk factors. After multiple logistic regression analysis was achieved, the only two risk factors were significant reliable. The highest was maternal gestational age <37 weeks (AOR = 10.04) the other one was maternal weight gain <10 kg (AOR = 6.03). Therefore this study indicated that surveillance and prevention of preterm labor and improved maternal nutrition status to gain appropriated weight during pregnancy should be done to decrease the incidence of LBW infant.


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How to Cite

โชติกิตติกุล ท. (2016). Maternal Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Infant at Krabi Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(4), 269–276. Retrieved from



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