Factors associated with preterm birth among pregnant women at Ranong Hospital


  • ระพี เฉลิมวุฒานนท์ Suratthani Hospital
  • เอื้อมพร ราชภูติ Suratthani Hospital
  • ศิโรรัตน์ โชติกสถิต Suratthani Hospital


preterm birth, associated factors


              The study was retrospective. It aimed to identify factors associated with preterm birth at Ranong Hospital. By studying the receipt of prenatal care and medical records of mothers who gave birth at Ranong Hospital . A separate group of mothers who gave birth prematurely before 37 weeks gestation and 145 mothers who gave term birth to equal amount on January 1, 2015 - December 30, 2015. The social demographic data were collected and analyzed
by using Chi-Square tests.
              The study indicated that most mothers aged 21-25 years (23.79%), the average age of mothers was 27.27 years. Thai race to 100%. Most graduates of secondary education, 48.62 %. 50% were housewives. 57.44 kg average weight before pregnancy. A BMI of 19.8 to 26 (60.69%). There are no smoking, drinking 100 %. No abortion history, Preterm birth records, vaginal bleeding pregnant and no underlying disease before pregnancy percent 87.24, 94.83 and 100, 98.86 respectively. Among the factors that were associated with preterm birth in Ranong Hospital significant 0.05 include weight before pregnancy (x2= 0.13 p = 0.022), history of preterm birth before (x2= 15.82 p = 0.000). , antenatal care (x2= 34.75 p = 0.000), multiple gestation (x2= 14.71 p = 0.000) and increased maternal weight below the threshold (x2 = 40.14 p = 0.000).
              The results of this study can be adapted to provide in the screening pregnant women who are at high risk of preterm birth. Education , monitoring and early intervention can be applied to prevent preterm birth.


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How to Cite

เฉลิมวุฒานนท์ ร., ราชภูติ เ., & โชติกสถิต ศ. (2019). Factors associated with preterm birth among pregnant women at Ranong Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(4), 291–298. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/179620



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