Effects of health care promoting program on self-care behavior and blood pressure level among older adults with uncontrolled hypertension in Langsuan municipality,Chumporn province


  • ดารณี อนันตศรัณย์ Suratthani Hospital


Self-care Behavior Promoting Program, self-care behavior, uncontrolled hypertension


             This experimental research was conducted to evaluate Self-care Behavior Promoting Program on self-care behavior and blood pressure level among community-dwelling older adults with uncontrolled hypertension.A total of 60 subjects,and 60-79 years old with blood pressure over 140/90 in hypertension without DM subjects, over 130/80 in hypertension with DM subjects within pasts 6 months,who met inclusion criteria and lived in the two communities in Langsuan municipality,were randomly assigned to be in an experimental (n=30) and a comparison groups (n=30).The experimental group received a 10-weeks Self-care Behavior Promoting Program.The research processes were composed of blood pressure assessment,health education, and skill training
regarding hypertension, self management,complication prevention, home visit and weekly telephone follow up 2 times. The comparison group received regular services from the same primary health care center. Data were collected by the researcher using questionaires before and after intervention. The content validity and reliability of the questionnaire were tested, the alpha-coefficient was 0.75.
              According to t-test analysis,after the intervention,the experimental group had significantly higher mean scores of knowledge on hypertension, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, and self care than before the intervention, and those in the comparison group(p-vale<0.01).The mean scores of perceived benefits, the experimental group had not significantly higher than before the intervention(p-value>0.01), and the comparison group (p-value 0.127) Also the level of blood pressure after intervention,the experimental group had systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure significantly lower than before the intervention( p -value < 0.01) and those in the comparison group ( p -value < 0.01)
              The suggestions from this research is that the health care personnel should apply this program to promote self care among older adults with uncontrolled hypertension and other chronic diseases in other communities.


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How to Cite

อนันตศรัณย์ ด. (2019). Effects of health care promoting program on self-care behavior and blood pressure level among older adults with uncontrolled hypertension in Langsuan municipality,Chumporn province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(4), 299–311. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/179677



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