Factors Relating to the Quality of Life for: Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients at the 360 Degree Clinic, Vachira Phuket Hospital


  • วันดี วิสุทธิ์สิริ Suratthani Hospital


quality of life, diabetes mellitus type II


              Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic illness (disease) that has never been cured. Patients must be proactive in their personal care and life-style, by controlling variables such as: quality and quantity of food, medications, rest and exercise. The diabetic patient has to make appropriate life-style choices, otherwise complications to the kidneys, eyes or feet can occur, in addition to other ailments. These factors often determine the individual patient’s quality of life.
              This research aims to explore these factors, in patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type II. The study included 245 patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type II, all having suffered from the disease since one year. In January 2015, these 245 patients received their treatment at the 360 Degree Clinic, located in Vachira Public Hospital, Phuket.
              Method : The WHOQOL-BREF instrument is comprised of 26 items, which measured the following broad Domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationships and environment. The Questionnaires were collected, generating various critical analyses, consisting of statistical average, standard deviation, T-test and ANOVA.
              Findings : The findings indicated that 63.67 percent of the Diabetes Mellitus Type II patients were rated at a good level, while 16.32 percent of participants were rated at medium and best level. Integral health factors concomitant to the patient’s quality of life were as follows: the appearance of signs and symptoms, and crippling complications caused by the disease (Diabetes). These factors could be mitigated, or even eliminated, if the patient’s needs and care were directed through an appropriate clinic.
              Moreover, individual factors relating to a patient’s quality of life include their occupation, financial status, and family situation. Therefore, close attention should be paid to all Diabetes Mellitus Type II patients in treatment, keeping in mind the inherently unique needs of each individual patient.


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How to Cite

วิสุทธิ์สิริ ว. (2015). Factors Relating to the Quality of Life for: Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients at the 360 Degree Clinic, Vachira Phuket Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(1), 33–42. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/180208



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