Review adverse drug reactions report in community hospital.


  • กฤตย์ เกิดเนตร Suratthani Hospital


Adverse Drug Reaction:ADRs, Maculopapular rash, Drug Allergy


              A retrospective study is concerned the adverse drug reactions in patients who received services at Paknam Langsuan hospital from
April 2009 to December 2012. 174 medical records are studied to prevent and resolve system problems report and develop a system to provide better service. This will cause the safety of the drug up to find that there are imperfections in the recording of adverse drug reactions in the medical records of 182 incident classified as an unknown drugs name 4 incident ( 2.20%), unknown adverse drug reaction 44 incident (24.17%) , unknown adverse drug reaction severity level 22 incident (12.09 %) unknown drug allergy-cards record 62 incident (34.07%) ,No sign on the medical record 22 incident (12.09%), No re-check at the
screening point 28 incident (15.38%) . Amoxycilline is the most ADRs reports of all drugs (13.92 %), Antibiotics Drugs are the priority of ADRs report, The most symptom is Maculopapular rash (42.45%). From this study reflect the risks of ADRs affect to the patient in order to improve ADRs report system.


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How to Cite

เกิดเนตร ก. (2015). Review adverse drug reactions report in community hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(1), 51–59. Retrieved from



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