Barriers to Glycemic Control Among Persons with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Out Patient Department at Mabammarit Hospital, Chumphon Province


  • พรเพ็ญ เผือกวารี Suratthani Hospital


Barriers, Glycemic Control, Persons with Diabetes Mellitus type 2


              The purpose of the descriptive study was to determine barriers to glycemic control and strategic management of such barriers. The subjects were 90 persons with diabetes mellitus type 2 in Out Patient Department at Mabammarit Hospital, Chumphon Province between August 2014 to October 2014. The research instruments included a Demographic Data Record Form and Barriers and the Strategic Management of Glycemic Control Questionnaire that of Jiraporn Gunboon(1). The overall reliability of the Barriers to Glycemic Control Questionnaire, examined by test-retest method, was .90. The reliability
of each aspect of the Barriers to Glycemic Control Questionnaire, namely barriers to dietary control, medication taking, and exercise were .80, .83, and .81, respectively. Data were analyzed by using Descriptive statistics.
              The results of the study revealed that :
              1. The subjects had a low level of overall barriers to glycemic control ( =17.53, S.D. =9.24). Considering each aspect, 98.89% subjects had barriers to dietary control at low level ( X=7.33, S.D. =4.30), 95.56% reported of having barriers to medication taking at a low level (X=4.41, S.D. =2.94), and 94.44% reported of barriers to exercise at low level (X=5.79, S.D. =3.91).
              2. The subjects suggested that strategic management for dietary control by self management should be self-control (30%), dietary control adherence (17.78%), and avoidance (17.78%). Barrier management by depending on others should involve the cooperation of family members in appropriate eating
( 4.44%) and cooking (3.33%).
              3. The subjects suggested that strategic management for medication taking by self management should be medication adherence (25.55%). Barrier management by depending on others should to be reminded by family members (7.78%).
              4. The subjects stated that strategic management for exercise by self management should be finding a suitable exercise method (28.89%), time management (21.11%), and self-control (16.67%). Barrier management by depending on others should be exercise prescribed by physicians (10%) and motivation by family members (6.66%)


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How to Cite

เผือกวารี พ. (2019). Barriers to Glycemic Control Among Persons with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Out Patient Department at Mabammarit Hospital, Chumphon Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(1), 119–129. Retrieved from



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