Outcome of Antiretroviral Drug Use in HIV-Patients at Mab-ammarit Hospital


  • สุชาดา เตื้องวิวัฒน์ Suratthani Hospital


adherence, antiretroviral drug, HIV-patient


              The objectives of this descriptive study were to evaluate outcome of counselling in HIV-patients, perception’s level in disease,in antiretroviral drug use, behaviors and factors which related to adherence. The factors were sex, age, marital staus, education, occupation, eating time of drug, CD4 leval, viral load level, number of pills per day, history of resisted drug, history of oppotunistic infection, perception’s level in disease and in antiretroviral drug use. Counselling’s outcome of 59 HIV-patients were gathered from OPD-cards and patient’s profiles in 2014. The perception’s questionnaires were collected during October to December, 2014. Perception’s data and factors which related to adherence were analyzed by descriptive statistics which showed frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
              The results showed new 7 patients in all 59 HIV-patients. Average of age, eating time of drug, CD4 leval, percent of CD4 were 41.31 (range 17- 67 years old), 5.25 (0.08-10 year), 432.1(39-1084 cells/ mm3) and 18.75% (1.36-40.79%), respectively. Viral load level > 40 copies/ml was found in 3 patients which must close monitor. Drug related problem shows forget to eat drug, no follow up, drug interaction. Averange of adherence which collected by visual analogue scale and pill count method was 93.85%. Complication of eating antiretroviral drug was found 16 patient(30.77%) and satisfaction in counseling drug data was 87.87%. Perception of HIV infection, antiretroviral drug and behavior were highly level with average of 3.09 (SD=0.25), 3.09(SD=0.22) and 3.63(SD=0.16), respectively. Some factors were eating time of drug, number of pills per day, history of resisted drug were related to average adherence and so marital staus, education were related to behaviors with statistical significant (P<0.05). In Pharmaceutical care was important in continually adherenced promotion and solved drug related problem for quality of life in HIV-patient.


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How to Cite

เตื้องวิวัฒน์ ส. (2015). Outcome of Antiretroviral Drug Use in HIV-Patients at Mab-ammarit Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(1), 161–169. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/180884



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