Nursing Care for Cirrhosis of the Liver with Complication


  • เสริมทรง จันทร์เพ็ญ Suratthani Hospital


              Cirrhosis is a health problem that effect on about 25,000 people/ year. Those people may become decrement in performance and loss function of work in the end of their life. Those things bring to the loss of economy and social. Most cause of cirrhosis is alcohol drinking. But the non using alcohol people can have cirrhosis from viral Hepatitis B and viral Hepatitis C.
              So, the nurse and caring team should take care the patient all dimensions. Those dimensions are promotion , prevention, treatment and rehabilitation patients health, giving them the knowledge and good suggestion, cheering up and using the anchor mind to help them to quit alcohol using in finally. The patients who come to be treated will have the better life and be happy to live in the social.
              This report presents 2 patients. The first case was the 69 years old male, who admitted to the hospital because cirrhosis with its complications
; urinary tract infection, multiple gall stones, and cholecystitis. He was suspected to have hepatocarcinoma. He was given antibiotic and stayed in the hospital for 21 days. Then theฟy came back to home. He did not want to have surgical treatment and investigate Hepato carcinoma.
              The second case was the 53 years old male, who had hematemesis estimate 2 glasses , 30 minutes ago before admission to the hospital. There were ascites and stomachache 1 month ago. The doctor diagnosed cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. During 15 days admission, the alcohol withdrawal occurred.
              From both cases, they was taked care by caring team with the willing and encoragement from their family. Moreover, their children and family were the center of hope and encouragement. Those things help them to quit from alcohol using finitely. For second case, his prognosis was good. For first case, he was elderly. So he was surrounded from his children and wife and then he died snugly.


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How to Cite

จันทร์เพ็ญ เ. (2015). Nursing Care for Cirrhosis of the Liver with Complication. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(1), 171–181. Retrieved from



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