Anemia in Pregnant Women Delivered at Krabi Hospital : Prevalence, Risk factors


  • ปรัชญา กาญจนโสภณ Suratthani Hospital


Anemia in pregnancy, Prevalence, Risk factors


              Anemia is the most common hematological problems in pregnancy. Early diagnosis and cause identification of anemia could be reduced both maternal problems and effective treatment during pregnancy. Anemia in pregnancy is one of the indicators representing quality of care in obstetrics. 95% of pregnant women delivered at Krabi Hospital have antenatal care from other places. There is no official report of prevalence and risk factors of anemia in pregnancy at Krabi Hospital.
              A descriptive study with retrospective data and analytical study for prevalence of anemia and risk factor in 4,892 pregnant women at Labor Room of Krabi Hospital and non limited gestational age since January 1,2013 to December 31, 2013. Main outcome measure : Hemotocrit level less than 33 percentin all gestation age. The prevalence of anemia in pregnancy is 31.87%. The mean value of hematocrit was 35.11% (SD3.61). The risk factors are age (p=0.001), number of gravidity(p=0.000), numbers of abortion (p=0.003) ,antenatal care(p=0.000) and underlying diseases(p=0.000). The prevalence of anemia in pregnancy is quite high. Therefore pregnant women in Krabi should be obtained early investigation and treatment. Risk factors would be beneficial not only screening for high risk pregnancy at antenatal clinic but also for any women at reproductive age to reduce the prevalence of anemia in Krabi


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How to Cite

กาญจนโสภณ ป. (2015). Anemia in Pregnant Women Delivered at Krabi Hospital : Prevalence, Risk factors. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(2), 219–225. retrieved from



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