Value of CT abdomen and imaging findings in gut obstruction


  • ชญานิศ เทพชนะ suratthani hospital


Gut obstruction,, computed tomography, abdomen


       Objective : The purpose of study was to determine the value of CT abdomen and imaging findings in gut obstruction Method : A retrospective study. The data was collected from all patients with a CT diagnosis of gut obstruction between January 2012 to December 2017 Result : There were 239 patients whom clinical suspicion for gut obstruction and 96 patients were diagnosed this condition by CT abdomen. In 16 patients whom findings on plain abdominal radiographs were normal, the CT scan was positive for obstruction. Cause of small bowel obstruction was evident on CT in 18 patients: volvulus (5), tumor (4), femoral hernia (3), intussusception (3),inflammation (2) and gallstone ileus (1). Adhesions were responsible for the obstruction in 34 of 52 patients in whom the cause was not shown on CT. Cause of large bowel obstruction was evident on CT in all patients: tumor (36), endometriosis (2), post-radiation colitis (1), sigmoid volvulus (1) and umbilical hernia (1) A diagnosis of bowel ischemia was made at surgery in 8 patients and CT diagnosis was correct in 7 patients (sensitivity 87.5%, specificity 100%) Conclusion : CT is sensitive for diagnosing gut obstruction and for determining the location, cause and complication of gut obstruction 


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How to Cite

เทพชนะ ช. (2019). Value of CT abdomen and imaging findings in gut obstruction. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 11–18. retrieved from



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