Prevalence and risk factors of HIV infection among migrant workers with syphilis and sexually transmitted diseases risk behavior: a case study of Takua Pa District, Phang Nga Province


  • จุไรรัตน์ รัตนเลิศนาวี Suratthani Hospital
  • อภิษฎา รัศมี Suratthani Hospital


HIV infection, Syphilis, migrant, risk behavior of STDs


              A cross-sectional study aimed to associate HIV infection between syphilis and risk behaviors of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among voluntary migrant workers at Takuapa District, Phang Nga province Thailand. During January 2016-April 2017, 660 samples enrolled in the study. Samples consisted of 102 syphilis infection and 558 non-syphilis infection. The samples tested for HIV infection and provided information on the risk behavior of STDs. HIV infection was found higher prevalence in syphilis group by 5.88 % than non-syphilis group by 2.33% (Odd ratio (OR) =2.62, 95%CI 0.97-7.06; p=0.057). Risk behaviors associated HIV infection revealed sexually transmitted infection (OR=81.47, 95%CI: 10.77-616.40; <0.0001), partner with STDs (OR=22.02, 95%CI: 6.32-76.73; p< 0.0001), no condom use (OR=22.84, 95%CI: 3.03-172.43, p=0.0024), and multiple sexual partners (OR=4.36, 95%CI: 1.43-13.24; p=0.0096). Our finding revealed the association between prevalence of STDs, HIV infection and unprotected sexual intercourse. Increasing the STDs/HIV preventive measure should seek, test and treat both them and their partners and encourage condom use every time they have sex.


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How to Cite

รัตนเลิศนาวี จ., & รัศมี อ. (2019). Prevalence and risk factors of HIV infection among migrant workers with syphilis and sexually transmitted diseases risk behavior: a case study of Takua Pa District, Phang Nga Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 45–58. retrieved from



Case Report