District Health System Operation Model Health Zone 12 of Years 2015 – 2017


  • พรสวรรค์ พรกาญจนวงศ์ Suratthani Hospital


District Health System, Operation model


              This type of research was a research for developing the model. Apply the results of the study factors influence the health system operation of District Health District Health Zone 12 to determine the district health system operation model consist of DHS team development training, visit to strengthen power resource support, job monitoring, learning exchange, knowledge affecting, attitude, motivation, achievement, external motivation, performance recognition. Development results based on ODOP issues and satisfaction before-after operations. Collect data in 3 provinces, 8 districts, randomly selected by multi-step and randomly selected district health system committee, 99 cases with simple random sampling. Tools used as a report form, questionnaire, descriptive statistics, percentages, mean, standard deviation, inferential statistics used Paired-Sample T-Test. The results are as follows.
              Found that knowledge about DHS operations, achievement motivation, interpersonal relationship, community availability with a higher average score after the operation with statistic significance different at the level 0.05, with the difference value (t-test) -3.62, -5.81, -4.42 and -3.53 respectively. Perception of District Health System implement with a higher average score after the operation with statistic significance at the level 0.05, with a difference value (t-test) -3.96. For performance based on ODOP issues in every district, pass UCCARE level 3 and above and have improved. Have results to solve problems. The results of the committee’s satisfaction assessment after the operation, it was found that more and most satisfied level with the issues “visit empowerment the District Health System operation” 100%. The results of the public satisfaction assessment on the development of the public health system by the District Health System found that there was a greater level of satisfaction. Most of the issues of “The services provided by public health agencies in the district or district” 98.8%. Followed by issues “Health care of people or solving public health problems of public health agencies in the district or in the district” 98.0 %.
              The evaluation of the District Health System operation model with effectiveness, differences before-after, were satisfied by the committee to visit, strengthen, and exchange high level knowledge. Therefore there were suggested for developing leaders and teams to bring potential to visit, enhance power learning exchange. Enhance work value used in the development of the District Quality of Life (DQL), which was the policy of the District Health System and expanded the model to 4 districts in Songkhla province.


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How to Cite

พรกาญจนวงศ์ พ. (2019). District Health System Operation Model Health Zone 12 of Years 2015 – 2017. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 59–72. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/188287



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