Evaluation of the operation of Mueang Pak Chong primary care cluster.


  • สุจริต สุขเวสพงษ์ Suratthani Hospital




              The purpose of this Cross-sectional descriptive research was to evaluate the operations of Mueang Pak Chong primary care cluster in terms of context, input, process and outcome. There were 26 health care staff in Mueang Pak Chong primary care cluster. 131 Type 2 diabetic and hypertensive patients at Mueang Pak Chong primary care cluster were simple randomized. Research tools including staff questionnaires, patient questionnaires and service data collection form. The staff questionnaire consisted of two parts: general information and a questionnaire. The patient questionnaire consisted of 3 parts: general information, questionnaire, HbA1c and blood pressure collection form. The staff and patient questionnaire were passed the content validity check from the experts and also passed reliability test (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.734 and 0.86, respectively). Data were collected by the staff and the patients answered a questionnaire on their own. Researchers collected HbA1c, blood pressure from medical records and service information from the HosXP PCU system. Data were collected during August 9, 2018 - August 31, 2018. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics include percentage, mean, standard deviation and Inferential statistic include Paired t-test.
              The research found that the staff were moderate satisfied with the overall primary care cluster policy. They were most satisfied with the process. In terms of context, the staff were least satisfied with the availability and adequacy of personnel. In terms of inputs, the staff were least satisfied with the information system and data connection with the hospital. The patients at the primary care clinic were at a high level of overall satisfaction. They were most satisfied with the cost when using the service. In terms of convenience, the patients were least satisfied with the label, location and directional markers. After the primary care cluster policy, systolic BP of hypertensive patients decreased significantly. The study shows that there should be improvements in the availability and adequacy of the staff at the primary care clinic. Should improve the label, mark the location and direction of the primary care clinic.  


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How to Cite

สุขเวสพงษ์ ส. (2019). Evaluation of the operation of Mueang Pak Chong primary care cluster. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 73–90. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/188307



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