Clinical characteristics of elderly psychiatric inpatients: a retrospective study


  • มาริสา จิตต์นุพงศ์ บุญพันธ์ Suratthani Hospital
  • เสาวภา ปานเพชร Suratthani Hospital


elderly, Psychiatric patients, inpatients


              Introduction: Introduction: By 2040, Thailand’ aging population is expected to increase to 16 million, this will account for 25 percent of the total population. Health care spending tends to increase proportionally with age, therefore expenditure on health care for the elderly will represent 1.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). In addition, the effects of radical life change in the elderly (physical, psychological, social and spiritual) could cause additional mental health issues.
              Objectives: To study the characteristics among patients aged 60 or older in psychiatric inpatient setting. Material and method: A retrospective study reviewed and collected data from Suansaransom hospital medical records of all inpatients ageing more than 60 years old during October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2013. Demographic data, and clinical characteristics information were collected and analyzed to ascertain percentage, mean and standard deviation.
              Results: In all, a total of 445 patients admitted in the elderly psychiatric ward was reviewed. There were total number of admission of 590, of these: 40.7% were first admitted in hospital. Most cases were male (53.6%), mean age range was 60-69 years, the average length of hospital stay was 98 days. The median cost of hospital stay was 18,800 bahts. 70% of the sample had more than 1 comorbid illnesses. The five most prevalent primary psychiatric disorder were schizophrenia 32.9%, bipolar disorder 12.4%, dementia 10.5% depressive disorder 7.2% and acute psychotic disorder 5.9%.
              Conclusion: The most elderly psychiatric inpatients had past history of psychiatric illness and had more than 1 comorbid illness. Most common psychiatric disorders afflicting elderly inpatients were schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia, depressive disorder and acute and transient psychotic disorder. The study found plenty of information for planning and managing elderly psychiatric inpatient setting.


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How to Cite

จิตต์นุพงศ์ บุญพันธ์ ม., & ปานเพชร เ. (2019). Clinical characteristics of elderly psychiatric inpatients: a retrospective study. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 103–114. retrieved from



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