Predicting diagnostic factors for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in Suratthani Hospital


  • พิชัย โรจนพิทยากร Suratthani Hospital


cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, Neurological manifestation, cerebral arterial thrombosis


              Objective : To study the affecting factors for diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) and treatment.
              Methods : A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in Suratthani Hospital, Thailand. All cases of CVST stroke patients, diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MR-venography or computed tomography (CT), CT- venography between January 2013 and December 2018 were included. The sampling of cerebral arterial thrombosis (CAT) stroke cases during the same period as CTSV cases were randomly selected with one-to-one ratio. The key characteristics were abstracted from medical records, and were contrasted between the two groups with multivariable risk regression analyses.
              Result : There were a total of 52 CVSTs and 52 random samples of CATs in the study. The median age were 44 years in CVST and 70 years in CAT. The most common sites of thrombosis were transverse sinus (59.62%) and superior sagittal sinus (51.92%). Prothrombotic risk identified were antithrombin III abnormal in 16 patients (40%), Beta2-Glycoprotein antibody in 9 patients (39.13%). In the multivariable risk regression analysis. The predicting factors favoring for CVST were; age <45 years (adjusted risk difference [aRD]) 16%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1-32%, p=0.039), headache (aRD 52%, 95%CI: 38-66%, p<0.001) and seizure (aRD 42%, 95%CI: 12-35%, p<0.001). The predicting factors favoring for CAT was history of previous stroke (aRD 22%, 95%CI: 7-37%, p=0.005).
              Conclusion : The predicting factors favoring for CVST were; age <45 years, headache and seizure on presentation. The history of previous stroke was the only predicting factor favoring for CAT.


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How to Cite

โรจนพิทยากร พ. (2019). Predicting diagnostic factors for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in Suratthani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 155–170. retrieved from



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