Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depression in the Elderly in Muang district , Ranong Province


  • สุชาดา แซ่ลิ่ม Suratthani Hospital


Depression, Elderly


              This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to investigate a prevalence and associated factor of depression in elderly living in Muang district , Ranong province such as personal factors, economic factors, social factor and physical factors. The sample population were 384 cases whose age were above 60 years old. Also these sample population live in Ranong province more than 6 months in 2017. Data were collected between 1 August – 31 October 2017. The data collection method was a questionaire including general basic information and associated factor of depression . Depression assessed by the Thai depression Test (2Q and 9Q). The descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage and inferential statistic (Chi-Square test) were used in the data analysis.
              The results of this study showed that the prevalence of depression elderly was 21.6 percent. Threre were 24.8 percent in male and 19.7 percent in female. Personal factors including marital status were significantly related to depression of the elderly at 0.01 level. Economic Factors including sufficient income were significantly related to depression of the elderly at 0.01 level. Physical Factors including disease and illnesses were significantly related to depression of the elderly at 0.05 level . Social Factors including relationship with family were significantly related to depression of the elderly at 0.001 level.


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How to Cite

แซ่ลิ่ม ส. (2019). Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depression in the Elderly in Muang district , Ranong Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 193–202. retrieved from



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