The project promotes safe drug in the community. Surat Thani Province, 2018


  • ชมพูนุท เสียงแจ้ว Suratthani Hospital
  • คชาพล นิ่มเดช Suratthani Hospital
  • นาฏยา สุวรรณ Suratthani Hospital
  • พุทธชาติ มากชุมนุม Suratthani Hospital
  • วิโรจน์ ทองฉิม Suratthani Hospital
  • ณัฐนันท์ เพชรประดิษฐ์ Suratthani Hospital


antibiotics, steroids, rational drug use (RDU)


              This study aimed to explore the potential of antibiotics and steroid-contaminated health products. The knowledge, understanding and behavior of safe use of the people within the community. It covers both antibiotics, prescription drugs and steroids. Data were collected by using questionnaires and interviews in Baan Nasan District Surat Thani. A survey of 70 households on June 7, 2018 analyzed the results using descriptive statistics.
              The study indicated that the target group found 2.86% of steroid contamination and 2.86% of the target group had antibiotics that met the criteria. All medications are penicillin. (Amoxicillin). The source of the medicine was from medical clinics and the hospital. Two steroid contaminated products were found as tablets. It comes from the car or company representatives to sell to the home. The attitude and behavior of using health products. It was found that
the elderly had moderate attitudes and behaviors of using health products (9.14 ± 2.27 points, probability 5-15 and 11.37 ± 1.62 possible scores of 6-18, respectively) and the elderly had attitudes and behaviors. For antibiotic use (score 9.50 ± 2.30, possible score 4-12 points and 10.86 ± 1.31 possible score 4-12 respectively). In the community Several measures have been taken together by the cooperation of several relevant organizations to raise awareness
about antibiotic use and use of steroids without indications and to establish a safe health surveillance system within the community. Make a database of unsafe health products. To enable operators and consumers to access and authenticate information. And continue to promote rational drug use (RDU) in the community.


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How to Cite

เสียงแจ้ว ช., นิ่มเดช ค., สุวรรณ น., มากชุมนุม พ., ทองฉิม ว., & เพชรประดิษฐ์ ณ. (2019). The project promotes safe drug in the community. Surat Thani Province, 2018. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 231–242. retrieved from



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