The Effects of Discharge Planning Program for Burn Patients on Self-care ability and Quality of Life in Surgical 4 Department Suratthani Hospital


  • กมนวรรณ นิลเอก Suratthani Hospital
  • รุ่งนภา จันทรา Suratthani Hospital


Discharge planning, Self- care ability, Quality of life, Burn


              This research was a quasi-experimental research. The purpose of this study was to 1) compare self-care ability and quality of life among burn patients among those who received discharge planning programs and those who received regular nursing care. 2) compare self-care ability and quality of life among burn patients among those who received pre discharge planning programs and post discharge planning programs.and3) study the satisfaction level of the burn patients who received the discharge planning programs. Access to Surgical 4 department services between February – July, 2018 by at Suratthani Hospital. The experimental group selected 15 burn patients and 15 control subjects.Research Instrument were discharge planning programs follows D-METHOD. Data were collected using self-care ability questionnaire, quality of life for Thai people (WHOQOL-BREF-THAI), and satisfaction question
naire on discharge planning programs. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U testand Wilcoxon Sign-Rank test. The study found that:
              1. Self-care ability and quality of life scores of burn patients who received the discharge planning programs were higher than those of Self-care ability and quality of life scores was statistically significant at the 0.01 level
              2. Self-care ability and quality of life scores of burn patients who received the post discharge planning programs were higher than pre discharge planning programs was statistically significant at the 0.01 level
              3. Satisfaction of the burn patients who received the discharge planning programs at the high level.


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How to Cite

นิลเอก ก., & จันทรา ร. (2019). The Effects of Discharge Planning Program for Burn Patients on Self-care ability and Quality of Life in Surgical 4 Department Suratthani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(2), 143–156. retrieved from



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