Women’s Anxiety before Hysterectomy


  • รัตนา สุระเสน Suratthani Hospital
  • จุฬารัตน์ สุวรรณเมฆ Suratthani Hospital


Anxiety, Before Hysterectomy


              Generally, receiving hysterectomy led women to get anxiety. Anxiety often presented by post-operation pain, cancer manifestation, anesthesia, post-operative care, and post-operative complication, etc.
              This descriptive research aimed to study: 1) anxiety level before hysterectomy, 2) causes of women’s anxiety and anxiety level in each cause. Subjects were 129 women diagnosed of gynecological diseases and needed to get hysterectomy; except cancer. They admitted to the gynecological ward, Suratthani
hospital, during October, 2015 to September, 2016. Instruments were a demographic data State Anxiety Inventory assessment form, and causes of anxiety record form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic: percent, mathematic mean, and standard deviation.
              Results: overall, subjects showed moderate anxiety level as scores of 26-74 (= 48.3, SD=9.4). Causes of high anxiety level were post-operative complication (=7.9, SD=2.9), pain (=7.8, SD=2.7), post-operative care (=7.5, SD=3.1), and cancer manifestation (=7.1, SD= 3.5). Causes of moderate anxiety level were anesthesia (=6.0, SD= 3.2) and sexual intercross (= 5.4, SD= 3.4). A cause of low anxiety level was missed pregnancy (=2.8, SD=3.0).
              Findings of this study could be database in order to provide appropriate nursing care for anxiety reducing in women receiving hysterectomy


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How to Cite

สุระเสน ร., & สุวรรณเมฆ จ. (2019). Women’s Anxiety before Hysterectomy. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(2), 157–168. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/215653



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