An outcome of developing a patient care procedure using the CIWA-Ar score for alcohol-dependent patients at Phang-Nga hospital


  • ชนิกา ศฤงคารชยธวัธ Suratthani Hospital


Alcohol dependence, CIWA-Ar score


              This retrospective cohort study aimed to examine the clinical characteristics of alcohol-dependent patients, the outcome of implementing the alcohol withdrawal assessment scoring guidelines (CIWA - Ar), incidence of patient complications, medical restraint and deaths. This study was methodologically conducted to the group of the alcohol-dependent patients between July 1, 2016 and July 31, 2018.
              The findings disclosed that 1). 91.63% of the total of 215 alcohol-dependent patients were male. Their average ager were 49 years old. They were employed as workers across industries. The average length of hospital stay was 4.6 days. 2). 26.98% of participants received the CIWA-Ar score assessment. 3). The group received CIWA-Ar statistically and had the most “alcohol withdrawal state, with delirium” complication (31%). 4). There are 1.27% of the alcohol withdrawal state, with convulsion. This situation occurred only to the patients who did not received CIWA-Ar. 5). Medical complication and patient restraint were significantly recorded (P<.05) in patients received CIWA-Ar assessment.
              In summary, this study revealed that the execution of the patient care procedure was not widely implemented during the hospitalized treatment. Furthermore, it was only used to evaluate the patients’ condition after the complication was noticed. Consequently, this caused further executions of patient restraint and an additional period of hospitalized treatment.


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How to Cite

ศฤงคารชยธวัธ ช. (2019). An outcome of developing a patient care procedure using the CIWA-Ar score for alcohol-dependent patients at Phang-Nga hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(2), 281–292. retrieved from



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