Effectiveness of the program to reduce knee pain in osteoarthritis elderly patients in Chang-sai health promotion hospital


  • ชนิดา อินทร์แก้ว Suratthani Hospital


Knee osteoarthritis, effectiveness, knee pain reducingprogram, elderly


               Background: Elderly patients have high prevalence of knee osteoarthritis which the severity of the disease can effect on their function and well-being. Health personnel can help promote and prevent this deterioration by educating the patient.
              Objective: This pre-experimental research aimed to study the effectiveness of the program to reduce knee pain in osteoarthritis elderly patients in Chang-sai health promotion hospital.
              Method: Thirty patient with osteoarthritis were participated in this study. Clinical outcomes which were knee pain and severity of osteoarthritis between pre-test and post-test groups to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. Research instruments included 1) knee pain reducing program 2) brochures for knee exercise, and 3) health record form. Demographic data and health status were collected during 25th Jan – 22nd Feb 2019. Data were analyzed by frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation and dependent t-test .
              Result: Participant reported significantly reducing of pain score after the program, pre-test 5.16 to post-test 3.10 respectively (p-value<0.001). In moderate severity group of osteoarthritis, the severity was reducing from 23.30% to 6.70% after participated in the program.
              Conclusion: Knee pain reducing program could reduce pain score and severity of osteoarthritis in elderly patients. This program may benefit by alternatively applying in clinical practice to reduce the pain and the severity of knee osteoarthritis.


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How to Cite

อินทร์แก้ว ช. (2019). Effectiveness of the program to reduce knee pain in osteoarthritis elderly patients in Chang-sai health promotion hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(2), 293–302. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/215840



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