Orthopedic sports medicine knowledge before and after implementing clinical practice guideline in general practitioner


  • กานต์ สุพรศิลป์ชัย Suratthani Hospital


Orthopedic sports medicine, E-learning, General practitioner


              This pre-experimental research aimed to compare knowledge in orthopedic sports medicine before and after implementing clinical practice guideline to general practitioner. Research samples were 30 doctors who work in hospitals in Ubon Ratchathani province. Research instruments were questionnaire
and clinical practice guideline in basic orthopedic sports medicine condition (presentation and documents via E-learning). Demographic data were collected. Descriptive statistics were frequency, percentage mean and standard deviation, an inferential statistics were Wilcoxon Matched-pairs Signed rank test and Mann-Whitney test respectively
              Research samples were comprised of 60% female, 50% aged more than 30 years old, 43.3% was general practitioner, and mostly practice less than 5 years after graduated.
              The result revealed that test score before implementing clinical practice guideline was 6.033 and 8.667 after, which showed statistically significant improvement. In subgroup analysis of orthopedist and non-orthopedists revealed test score before implementing clinical practice guideline was 9.00 and 5.82
respectively, which is different with statistical significant, While after implementing clinical practice guideline, the score was 9.00 and 8.64 respectively which is no longer statistically different. This research suggest that implementing clinical practice guideline in orthopedic sports medicine improve knowledge of practicing doctors with statistical significant.


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How to Cite

สุพรศิลป์ชัย ก. (2019). Orthopedic sports medicine knowledge before and after implementing clinical practice guideline in general practitioner. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(3), 417–426. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/216169



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