Bacterial Contamination in Ventilator Circuitat Pediatric Department.


  • วรรทนา สกลวิรัตน์ Suratthani Hospital
  • ทัศรียา เบญจพรกุลนิจ Suratthani Hospital
  • อรุณ ดวงประสพสุข Suratthani Hospital


bacterial contamination, ventilator circuit


              The most common nosocomial infection in Suratthani hospital is ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended no frequently change the ventilator circuit than 48 hours; however, it was not exactly specified. This prospective study with interrupted time design aimed to study bacterial contamination in the ventilator circuit at day 7, 10, and 14 days, respectively; and to study chance
of daily use for bacterial contamination in ventilator circuit.
              Method: Specimens was collected form ventilator circuit of each pediatric patient who admitted in NICU and PICU during August, 2016 to March, 2017. Total 144 samples from 25 pediatric patients, 48 subjects in each period. Instruments were a bacterial culture from ventilator circuit record form and a bacterial culture set for ventilator circuit. The Wald Chi-squared test of Marginal Model was used to test the comparison of bacteria in ventilator circuit
differences at day 7, 10 and 14; and, chance of daily use for bacterial contamination ventilator circuit was analyzed using the Margins Model for Exponentiated linear prediction equation.
              Result: This study showed that water contamination in water trap for 7, 10, and 14 days, 14.45%, 18.70%, and 25%; respectively. Chance of contamination was significant constantly increased for 1.17 times per day (95% CI 1.07-1.2, P-value< 0.001). Therefore, there was no significant different between comparisons a pair of ventilator circuit contamination. Mostly, this study found bacterial contamination from environment which was not related to bacteria in patient’s respiratory tract.
              Conclusion: The chance of bacterial contamination form ventilator circuit increased by time (using for 7, 10 and 14 days) which mostly was environment contamination.


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How to Cite

สกลวิรัตน์ ว., เบญจพรกุลนิจ ท., & ดวงประสพสุข อ. (2019). Bacterial Contamination in Ventilator Circuitat Pediatric Department. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(3), 495–506. Retrieved from



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