Development ofInfected continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patient Nursing care system Udonthani hospital
Nursing care system, Infected CAPD patients, Nurse case manager, empowermentAbstract
This study was a research and developing research. To develop nursing care system of infected continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients and it’s outcome at Udonthani hospital. There were 4 steps of this research : situation analyzed about care system and self-care of infected CAPD patients, developed nursing care system of infected CAPD patients and empowerment of the patients, implemented nursing care system of infected CAPD patients and evaluation. The development of nursing care system was implemented in the first time from April to June 2017 and the second time from October to December 2017. We studied in 10 and 32 infected CAPD patients in the first and second time respectively at CAPD corner, and 17 nurses provider
who worked at CAPD corner. Research instruments included admission system of infected CAPD patients, nurse case manager system, empowerment of CAPD patient guideline and data collection form. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic and t-test.
The research findings are as follows :
1. Nursing care system of Infected continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients consists of CAPD corner, admission system of infected CAPD patients, nurse case manager system, empowerment of CAPD patient guideline.
2. Outcomes after implementing the Nursing care system of Infected continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients were 2.1) infected CAPD patients also had a higher significant mean score on self-care after implementing than before at level .05 2.2) nurses who worked at CAPD corner had a higher significant mean score on knowledge and practice after implementing than before at level .05 and had a higher significant mean score satisfaction on satisfaction than before at level .02 and 2.4) infection rate of CAPD patients was decrease from 14.81% to 8.43%.
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