Intelligence Level and Learning Ability in Reading, Writing and Calculating of the Second to Sixth Grade Students in Surat Thani Province


  • Jurairat Prachumrat Suratthani Hospital



Intelligence level, learning ability, learning disability


              Backgroud: Nowaday many Thai children have difficulty in one or more areas of learning such as dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia. It is important to identify children who may be at risk of learning problems and provide them an effective early intervention.

              Objectives: To study an intelligence level and learning ability in reading, writing, and calculation of the second to sixth grade students in Surat Thani Province.

              Method: This study was a retrospective descriptive study in 139 students of the second to sixth grade, The tools were the Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and the Wide Range Achivement Test (WRAT-Thai). The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics method.

              Results: 1) An average intelligence level of the second to sixth grade students was 99.08. Most of male and female students had the average intelligence level at 33.08% and 30.22%, respectively. Most of students with intellectual disability were found in the second grade 4.32%, while not found in the forth to sixth grade. 2) 57.14% of students had learning disabilities. Most of them had impairments in writing and calculating. There were found in male more than female (33.61% and 23.53%, respectively) 3) Only 11.76% of students had normal level of reading, writing, and calculating skills. It was found in female (8.40%) more than male (3.36%)

              Conclusion: Most students in this school had the average intelligence level. Most male and female students also had the average intelligence level. Most of the students with learning disabilities had impairments in writing and calculating skills.​ Therefore, parents and teachers should arrange curricular activities to align with students' intellectual levels and academic performances.


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How to Cite

Prachumrat, J. . (2020). Intelligence Level and Learning Ability in Reading, Writing and Calculating of the Second to Sixth Grade Students in Surat Thani Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(3), 22–34.



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