Outcome of Using Clinical Practice Guideline for Sepsis in Trang Hospital


  • Baralee Seenprachawong Trang Hospital




clinical practice guideline, severe sepsis, septic shock


              Background: Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guideline with Early-Goal Directed Therapy (EGDT) had empirical evidence for clinical outcome improvement by reduced mortality. Thai Guideline for Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock implemented since 2015 had the same treatment result. Trang hospital adopted Severe Sepsis Guideline in 2017 but no previous studied to determine the efficacy.

              Objectives: Compare treatment outcomes before and after implementation of Clinical Practice Guideline for Severe Sepsis in Trang hospital. Primary outcome was mortality rate, secondary outcomes were length of hospital stay, medical expenses, rate of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and treatment process indicators in first 6 hrs.

               Material and Method: Retrospective review of in-patient data before and after Guideline implementation. Collect demographic data, co-morbidity, site and etiology of infection, treatment process indicators, primary and secondary outcomes.

              Results: 220 Patients included with 110 per each group. Mean age group 61-80 years, the most common co-morbidity was Diabetes Mellitus and site of infection was genitourinary tract in both groups. Started  antibiotic within 1 hour 85.5 % in before guideline group and 82.7 % in after guideline group, adequate fluid resuscitation71.8 % in before guideline group and 79.1% in after guideline group ,increase amount of total fluid in after guideline group from 1,703.3 ± 59 ml. to 1,779.1 ± 51.1 ml and administration of inotropic drug 91.8% in first 6 hrs for both groups. Statistically decreased mortality in after guideline group 31.82 % compared with 49.09 % in before guideline group Increased length of stay from 6.39 ± 0.66 days to 7.63 ± 0.76 days in after guideline group, also increased medical expenses in after guideline group with slightly increased rate of intensive care unit admission .Rate of guideline used was 36 percent.

              Conclusion: Clinical Practice Guideline for Severe Sepsis in Trang hospital improved clinical outcomes by reduced mortality although unable to reduce length of stay and lower medical expenses. Encourage more users increase therapeutic benefits in the future.


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How to Cite

Seenprachawong , B. . (2020). Outcome of Using Clinical Practice Guideline for Sepsis in Trang Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(3), 35–46. https://doi.org/10.14456/reg11med.2020.3



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