Development of the Patient Care Model for Cerebrovascular Disease in Phetchabun Hospital


  • Boonyarat Perkdetch Phetchabun Hospital



Cerebrovascular disease, Patient Care Model


              Objectives: This study was a research and development study aimed to develop the patient care model for cerebrovascular disease patients who were admitted to Phetchabun Hospital, and evaluated the results.

              Method: Samples were purposively selected. Participants were cerebrovascular patients and multidisciplinary professions. Research instruments were a flow chat guideline for cerebrovascular patients undergoing antithrombolytic treatment and a care map, the dysphagia screening test, the medical record form, and the satisfaction questionnaire from multidisciplinary professions. Four phases of the study: Analyzing the current care service, developing the new model for cerebrovascular patient care, implementing and evaluating. Statistic using for data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mathematic mean, standard deviation, Chi Square and Mann Whitney U test.

              Results: 1) The patient care model for patients with cerebrovascular disease including: An appropriate service flow chart for patient undergoing antithrombotic treatment, the stroke unit, highly skilled multidisciplinary team and a care map. 2) Clinical results showed significantly decreasing door to needle time and complication such as pneumonia (p = 0.013 and <0.001). Also, the NIHSS scores decreased before discharge, complication of urinary tract infection, pressure sores, ADL scores were increasing significantly before discharge, treatment cost and length of stays had no significant differences between before and after applying the newly developed patient care model. The satisfaction results showed that multidisciplinary professions were highly satisfied with this patient care model.

              Conclusion: This newly developed patient care model can be use practically with cardiovascular patients due to practicality, promoting team work between multidisciplinary professions and patient holistic care, engendered a distinct clinical practice guideline and building confidence for practitioner. However, there were some unachieved clinical results in this study such as urinary tract infection and bedsore that need to be further developed.


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How to Cite

Perkdetch, B. (2020). Development of the Patient Care Model for Cerebrovascular Disease in Phetchabun Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(3), 7–21.



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