A Study of the Maternal Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight Infants in Huaiyot Hospital, Trang


  • Varanya Kaoian Huaiyot Hospital, Trang Province




Low birth weight infant, Risk factor


              Background: Low birth weight infants have a high mortality rate, chronic illness and disability, as well as developmental abnormalities higher than normal weight infants. These major problems should be considered in Thailand because of an important indicator which indicates the quality of obstetric care.

              Objectives: To study the risk factors affecting mothers with LBW infants in Huaiyot Hospital.

              Methodology: A case control study was performed. 1,423 mothers who delivered during October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2018 in Huaiyot Hospital were included in the study. 116 mothers who delivered infants of weight < 2,500 gm. and the rest 1,307 mothers who delivered infants weight ≥2,500 gm. Characters of population were described with number and percent. Data were analyzed by chi-square test, odds ratio (OR) and multiple logistic regression analysis.

              Results: The incidence of LBW infants was 8.15%. From the multivariable analysis was achieved, the only five risk factors were significant reliable. The highest was nulliparous, maternal gestational age < 37 weeks, obstetric complication, maternal weight gain < 10 kg. and hemoglobin level < 11 g/dl. (Adjusted OR = 0.41, 10.57, 3.79, 9.88, 2.39 respectively)

              Conclusions: nulliparous, maternal gestational age < 37 weeks, obstetric complication, maternal weight gain < 10 kg, and hemoglobin level < 11 g/dl were significant maternal risk factors of LBW infants.


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How to Cite

Kaoian , V. . . (2020). A Study of the Maternal Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight Infants in Huaiyot Hospital, Trang. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(3), 63–72. https://doi.org/10.14456/reg11med.2020.5



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