Develop laboratory services to assess the severe thalassemia in pregnant women, Takuapa Hospital


  • Weerachat Ponroy กลุ่มงานเทคนิคการแพทย์ ร. พ. ตะกั่วป่า จ. พังงา


Lean Concept, Not value activities, Severe thalassemia evaluation, 8 Wastes


              Background: This research presents the development of laboratory services to assess severe thalassemia in pregnant women, Takuapa Hospital. Due to the long problem of thalassemia audit service.

              Objectives: To study the process of providing laboratory services to screen and confirm thalassemia in pregnant women. Study to use Lean concept to improve the quality of laboratory intensive thalassemia evaluation. And to shorten the period of laboratory intensive thalassemia evaluation in pregnant women.

              Method: The study methods consisted of data collection. Using lean tools to analyze data and design and develop a new thalassemia audit service

              Results: The laboratory thalassemia audit service has a 3-step process and each step takes an average of 10,440 minutes. Lean concept analyzed for wastes found that the thalassemia and verification process, average waiting time up to 10,080 and 20,160 minutes, respectively. In the screening and verification process, unnecessary movement occurs. After the design, development of the service process. The sub-steps can be reduced from 9 steps to 7 steps and the waiting time is reduced from 21 days 18 hours to 11 days 1 hour. The steps include 1) screening process reduce waiting time from 18 hours to 1 hour by increasing the audit potential for laboratory staff to examine immediately. 2) thalassemia diagnostic Increase the examination cycle from 1 round to 3 rounds / week, reducing the waiting time from 7 days to 4 days. 3) Verification process adjust the results from NHSO online instead of documents report results, reduces the waiting time from 14 days to 7 days.

              Conclusion: This study demonstrated that laboratory services to evaluate severe thalassemia in pregnant women, Takuapa Hospital is more convenient and faster to operate.


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How to Cite

Ponroy, W. . (2020). Develop laboratory services to assess the severe thalassemia in pregnant women, Takuapa Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(4), 109–122. retrieved from



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