Radiographic features of HIV-related pulmonary tuberculosis


  • Saowanit Tiewtas โรงพยาบาลพัทลุง


Pulmonary tuberculosis, Radiographic findings, HIV infection


              Background: HIV-tuberculosis coinfection patients are increasing prevalence. Chest radiographic abnormalities are non-specific in HIV- infected patients than in HIV- negative patients which may be result in underdiagnoses of tuberculosis in these patients

             Objectives: To assess and compare various radiological pattern of pulmonary tuberculosis with and without HIV infection. Additional correlation analysis of chest X-ray findings of smear positive and smear negative patients with HIV-tuberculosis coinfection.

             Method: We conduct a retrospective descriptive study. The chest radiography of 196 adults (over 15 years of age) with pulmonary tuberculosis between January 2015 and December 2019. 72 of the adults had an HIV co-infection while the remaining 100 adults did not. The chest radiographic findings were assessed for parenchymal changes, lymphadenopathy, cavity, and pleural effusion

             Results: The most common radiographic manifestations in the HIV-infected group is interstitial infiltration in 27 patients (37.5%). HIV-patients were significantly more likely to have normal chest radiograph, military infiltration, and hilar /mediastinal lymphadenopathy and less likely to have cavitation as compared to HIV negative patients. Furthermore, the significant location on radiography is middle to lower lobes. Age is related to HIV-tuberculosis coinfection (p-value<0.001). There is significant association between sputum smear positive and the presence of pleural effusion in HIV- infected patients (p-value=0.009)

            Conclusion: The radiographic presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-patient is more likely to be primary or atypical tuberculosis pattern


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How to Cite

Tiewtas, S. . (2020). Radiographic features of HIV-related pulmonary tuberculosis. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(4), 184–196. Retrieved from



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