Comparative study of transoral endoscopic thyroid lobectomy vestibular approach versus conventional opened thyroid lobectomy


  • sawatchai nawakitrangsan Vachira Phuket Hospital


conventional open thyroid lobectomy, transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy


              Background: Endoscopic Thyroid surgery is one of the preferred techniques without causing external scars after surgery. However, this new technique is still have complicated process and not current be used widely. Therefore, this study reveals the result of the endoscopic surgery and its complications.

              Objective: To compare the operative data and complications between transoral endoscopic thyroid lobectomy vestibular approach and conventional open thyroid lobectomy

              Methods: We conduct a retrospective cohort study design. From April 2019 to March 2020, 26 patients with thyroid nodule was enrolled and were assigned to 2 groups; conventional group (control group, n=15) and endoscopic group (study group, n=11). Post-operative patient’s satisfaction, operative time, intra-operative blood loss, post-operative pain, hospital stay and complication were collected.

              Result: When comparing the results of the study, it was found the satisfaction score was higher in the undergoing endoscopic group than in the open surgery group. While the surgical time of endoscopic surgery was significantly longer than open surgery group. Intra-operative blood loss and post-operative pain has significantly lower in endoscopic thyroid lobectomy group than conventional opened thyroid lobectomy. There was no statistical difference in hospital stay and operative complication between the 2 groups.

              Conclusion: Transoral endoscopic thyroid lobectomy vestibular approach is safe and with higher patient’s satisfaction with cosmetic results and complications were not statistically significant. Although operative time was significantly higher than conventional technique, the development of surgical skills for surgeons and surgical team may decrease gap of these factors and lead to properly use in appropriated cases.


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How to Cite

nawakitrangsan, sawatchai, & CHOTIPANIT, T. . (2020). Comparative study of transoral endoscopic thyroid lobectomy vestibular approach versus conventional opened thyroid lobectomy. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(4), 197–209. retrieved from



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