Characteristics of neonatal sepsis in Phang-nga Hospital


  • Kunnika Yumun Phang-nga Hospital


neonatal sepsis, newborn



          Background: Neonatal sepsis is the major cause of mortality in newborn. If we have the good guidelines and treatment that can reduce mortality rate of neonatal sepsis.

          Objectives: To study Characteristics of neonatal sepsis in Phang-nga Hospital about incidence, clinical manifestations and laboratory results of neonatal sepsis.

          Method: This study was a retrospective review in neonates whom aged less than 28 days after births and were diagnosed neonatal sepsis according to WHO 2016 in Phang-nga hospital in the period of 1 January 2017 to 31 May 2020.

          Results: The results showed incidence of neonatal sepsis was 37 per 1000 live births divided into 66.1% of EOS and 33.9% of LOS. The most common clinical presentation of EOS was Respiratory system 65.4% and LOS was Body temperature instability 73.8%. Basic laboratory investigations were show normal range but thrombocytopenia found in fungal infections. Blood culture were true positive 12.5% and the common pathogen was Methicillin-resistant coagulase negative Staphylococci (MRCONS) (25%) which resistance to all in Beta-lactam drugs but still has susceptibility to Vancomycin.

          Conclusion: In Phang-nga hospital, early onset neonatal sepsis was more common than late onset neonatal sepsis. The most common Clinical manifestation in EOS and LOS were Respiratory system and Body temperature instability, respectively. Basic laboratory investigation showed normal range in neonatal sepsis so the precise clinical diagnosis and risk factor are important. Vancomycin should be selected as part of the treatment in LOS.



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How to Cite

Yumun, K. (2021). Characteristics of neonatal sepsis in Phang-nga Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 35(1). Retrieved from



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