Prevalence of comorbid psychiatric manifestations and related factors of Kratom used among patients in Vachiraphuket Hospital


  • Thawanrat Chayaanantapat Vachira phuket Hospital


Comorbid psychiatric problems, Comorbid psychiatric symptoms, Kratom, Related factors


          Objectives: To study the prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorder and symptoms as well as its associated factors of addicted Kratom patients.
A retrospective descriptive study on addicted Kratom patients who had been treated at Psychiatric Department from the year 2016 to 2018. The relationship between characteristics of Kratom consumption and psychiatric problems was analyzed by Chi-square.
Out of 232 sample groups, 227 samples were male with an average age of 19.95 years. They were single. Their education level was lower than secondary school. They prefered drinking Kratom leaves to others. The most frequent duration of Kratom use was 1-5 years (84.4%). The most Kratom addictions frequency was 5-7 days per week (38.4%). 96.1% have never used  other substance used. And 54.3% have a family history of psychiatric disorders. 62.5% have no diagnosis of comorbid psychiatric disorder. Regarding to self-assessment, there was 25.4% in irritability and 18.2% of insomnia. An analysis of relevant factors showed that frequency and duration of addiction were associated with 7 co-psychiatric symptoms except unrelating between duration and auditory hallucination.
The comorbid psychiatric disorder was found from this study; Kratom induced psychosis 33.6% and the comorbid psychiatric manifestations are related to the duration and the frequency of addiction respectively.


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How to Cite

Chayaanantapat, T. . (2021). Prevalence of comorbid psychiatric manifestations and related factors of Kratom used among patients in Vachiraphuket Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 35(2). Retrieved from



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