How does the covid outbreak affects the patients characteristic of the emergency department Vachiraphuket Hospital


  • chanida kemngern Vachiraphuket hospital


Triage at emergency department, Covid-19 outbreak, Emergency visits, Traumatic patient, Emergency department


          Background: The covid outbreak has a dramatic disrupt economic and social system in Phuket which base on tourism business. Also provincial lock down which affects to emergency department visits. This study compare characteristic of patients before and after covid outbreak to improve emergency care system in limit capacity situation

          Objectives: To evaluate the impact of covid outbreak towards the characteristic of patients in emergency department of Vachiraphuket hospital

          Method: We retrospectively reviewed the electronic medical database of patents presenting to the ED from 1 January to 31 May 2019 and 1 January to 31 May 2020. Descriptive statistical analysis and Chi-square test were. Statistical significance was defined a p < 0.05

          Results: In covid outbreak period the total number of ED visits was decline 34.27%, average age was increase from 37 to 39 years old. The age group (0-15years) was decrease from 14.2 to 12.2% and age group more than 15 years was increase from 85.5 to 87.7%. The proportion of resuscitation, emergency, urgent, non-urgent were increase significantly (3.8%, 5.3%, 28.8%, 20.1%, P<0.05). But the proportion of semi-non urgent group was decrease significant from 46.9% to 42% Also traumatic type and other services type were significantly decrease. (34%, 0.7%, P<0.01) compare with non- traumatic type and general type were increase significantly (38.9%, 26.4%, P<0.01)

          Conclusion: In covid outbreak was associated with a significant  reduction in number of ED visits especially children, non-urgent, traumatic and other services group but increase proportion of resuscitation, emergency, urgent, non-emergency, non-traumatic and general cases significant. From the result can guide to create for next outbreak disaster management and preparedness


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How to Cite

kemngern, chanida. (2022). How does the covid outbreak affects the patients characteristic of the emergency department Vachiraphuket Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 36(1). Retrieved from



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