The Development of Diabetes Mellitus Patients Care Model That Uncontrolled Blood Sugar in Community Hospital and Network


  • Puangpetch Laoprasit Phun Phin Hospital, Suratthani


telemedicine, Persons with Diabetes Mellitus type 2, self care behavior, community hospital


Objectives: To develop care model for diabetes mellitus patients that uncontrolled blood sugars, study effectiveness of care model for diabetes mellitus patient, and to study satisfaction with care model for diabetes mellitus patients that were developed.

Method: This research was research and development. The study samples were diabetes mellitus patients that uncontrolled blood sugars, amount 80 people, which were divided into 2 groups; a used the developed model and original system, each group consisted of 40 people. Data was collected of experiment between July - October 2021. Research tools were the developed model of diabetes mellitus, questionnaire, pre and post-test, and blood sugars record. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic, Chi-square test, Independent t-test and Paired sample t-test.

Results: The results of after using the developed model (telemedicine) found that average diabetes mellitus  knowledge marks and self care behavior marks more than before using this model, and blood sugars decreased by statistical significance (p-value < 0.001), by making it possible to control the blood sugar in the criteria at 35.0%. The comparison of developed model and original model of diabetes mellitus revealed that developed model group had more average diabetes mellitus knowledge marks and self care behavior marks than original model group, and blood sugars more decreased than original model group by statistical significance (p-value < 0.01). Moreover, 95.0% of users had satisfaction regarding to the developed model of diabetes mellitus at high level.

Conclusion: There should be used the telemedicine model at community hospital and sub-district health promoting hospital network.


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How to Cite

Laoprasit, P. (2023). The Development of Diabetes Mellitus Patients Care Model That Uncontrolled Blood Sugar in Community Hospital and Network. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(1), 32–48. retrieved from



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