Factors contributing to missed appointment of psychiatric outpatients in Surat Thani Hospital


  • Phiangbunpa Natithamkul Suratthani Hospital


Missed appointment, Nonadherence, Psychiatric patient


          Background: The nonadherence in psychiatric patients results in ineffective treatment. Developing an appointment system can help to reduce severity and relapse of psychiatric disorders.

          Objectives: To evaluate the factors contributing to missed appointment of psychiatric outpatients, determine the reasons for missed appointments and compare the missed appointment rate in each period.

          Method: A retrospective study of psychiatric outpatients at Surat Thani Hospital over a two-year period during January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019.

          Results: There were 2,647 missed appointments or 14.45% from total 18,318 psychiatric appointments. 48.2% of the nonadherent patients were unable to reach by phone. The reasons for missed appointments was 21.6% due to forgetfulness and 13.4% due to being busy. Demographic factors such as gender, age, occupation, health care scheme and  diagnoses were significantly associated with missed psychiatric appointments. The odds of missing an appointment were greater among female, aged in the range of 25-44 years, working as a merchant or self-employed, lack of health care coverage and being diagnosed with F30-39 (mood disorders). The rate of missed appointment tended to increase in 2019.

          Conclusion: Patients who miss appointments tend to cite their own forgetfulness and being busy as the main reasons. Demographic factors and diagnoses have a statistically associated with missed psychiatric appointments. The results of this study can help improve quality of the appointment system in psychiatric department.


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How to Cite

Natithamkul, P. (2022). Factors contributing to missed appointment of psychiatric outpatients in Surat Thani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 36(3). Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/258315



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