Outcome of Down Syndrome Screening Using Quadruple Test at Phatthalung Hospital


  • Aurasiri Siriwipat Phatthalung Hospital


Quadruple Test, Down syndrome screening, Sensitivity, False positive rate


Objective: To determine the prevalence of pregnant women with high-risk for fetal Down syndrome using Quadruple test and evaluate the sensitivity and false positive rate of Quadruple test at Phatthalung hospital.

Materials and Methods: Medical records of 1,021 pregnant women who accepted the second trimester Quadruple test for fetal Down syndrome during October 1st 2021- December 31st 2022 at Phatthalung hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Amniocentesis was offered to women who were classified as high risk for fetal Down syndrome from Quadruple Test. Down syndrome screening outcomes, sensitivity and false positive rate were evaluated.

Results: From 1,021 cases of pregnant women who had enrolled the Quadruple test for fetal Down syndrome screening in the second trimester, 98 cases (9.6%) had been found to have high risk for fetal Down syndrome. Chromosome studies from amniocentesis in high-risk cases showed 7 cases of fetal Down syndrome (4 cases of 47, XX+21 and 3 cases of 47, XY+21). All the pregnant women with prenatal diagnosis of fetal Down syndrome decided to terminate their pregnancy. The sensitivity of Quadruple test for Down syndrome was 87.5% with an 8.98% false positive rate.

Conclusion: The Quadruple test is effective for the second trimester Down syndrome screening. Pregnant women with high-risk for fetal Down syndrome were prevalent at 9.6%   with 87.5% of sensitivity and 8.98% of false positive rate.


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How to Cite

Siriwipat, A. (2023). Outcome of Down Syndrome Screening Using Quadruple Test at Phatthalung Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(2), 34–46. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/259857



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