The Model Development for New Way of Health Promotion, Buddhist Way, Thai Way, Sufficiency Economy Way, Suratthani Province.


  • suwadee Sangkom Suratthani Provincial Health Office


Diabetes, Hypertension, Health promoting model


Objectives: To develop and evaluate a model for new way of health promotion, buddhist way, thai way, sufficiency economy way and study the satisfaction for health promotion model for diabetic and hypertension patients.

Method: This research was research and development. The sample consisted of diabetic and hypertension patients who came at 7 sub-district health promoting hospitals and 1 primary care unit of Phun Phin hospital and selected the sample by purposive sampling. They were divided into an experimental group of 80 people / disease, and a compare group of 80 people/disease. Data were collected by promoting health test form and health status record form during July 2022 – October 2022. Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and t-test.


1. The model development for new way of health promotion, buddhist way, thai way, sufficiency economy way consisted of 1) training and practicing the new way of health promotion, buddhist way, thai way, sufficiency economy way 2) daily practice of patients according to health promoting principles 3) periodic follow-up and empowerment and 4) evaluation.

2. The effectiveness of the developed model was found that the developed model had patients had knowledge about diabetes, waist circumference, and blood sugar levels better than before health promoting and better than the traditional health promoting by statistically significant (P-value < 0.05) (except body mass index was no different). In addition, hypertension patients had knowledge about hypertension, health behavior, waist circumference, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels better than before health promoting and better than the traditional health promoting by statistically significant (P-value < 0.05) (except body mass index was no different).

3.Diabetic and hypertension patients were very satisfied with developed health promoting model at a high level, 81.2% and 72.5, respectively.

Conclusion: This health promoting model, can be applied to the health promoting of diabetic and hypertension patients, next


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How to Cite

Sangkom, suwadee . (2022). The Model Development for New Way of Health Promotion, Buddhist Way, Thai Way, Sufficiency Economy Way, Suratthani Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 36(3). Retrieved from



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