Operational Evaluation of Local Universal Health Coverage Fund, Phang Nga Province


  • JIRAWAT BOONYARAK Phuket Provincial Public Health Office


Evaluation, Operational Model, Universal health coverage fund


Background: Universal health coverage fund at the local or sub-national level are an important innovation in the Thai health system in promoting participation and health among people from different sectors of society. The local government organization is an important mechanism for coordinating agencies, organizations and network partners in the area to jointly investigate for problems and needs of the citizen.

Objectives: To assess operational Evaluation of Local Universal Health Coverage Fund, Phang Nga Province and study factors affecting the success of the local health fund operation in Phang Nga Province.

Materials and methods: This evaluation research was conducted with mixed method both quantitative and qualitative studies. Data were collected from eight districts universal health coverage fund in Phang Nga Province. The research samples were 443 members who are received the budget from the fund, and the group of supporters and coordinators for compliance. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.

Results: Performance of Area Health Security Fund in Phang Nga Province Most of the levels can be performed reasonably well. Or proceed according to the criteria set by the NHSO. People's participation in the operation of the local health security fund was moderate ( = 2.20, S.D. = 0.49). Benefits received from the fund were high ( = 2.59, S.D. = 0.51). Issues that should be improved or developed include knowledge and understanding of the fund operation of the committee, the use of new innovations. To improve public health, raise awareness about the fund. to people in the area and enhancing public participation and the public saw that having a local health insurance fund Make yourself and your family more accessible to health promotion and disease prevention services. representing 60.05 percent. Factors affecting the success of the operation of the local health fund in Phang Nga Province were knowledge and understanding of the committee. have quality information systematic management process driven by local government organizations cooperation of network partners Public awareness and monitoring and supervision of operations from outside agencies Improved model proposal Improving the Fund's operations, including the preparation of work plans Participatory Projects, Collaboration, Fund Management and Monitoring, Governance and Evaluation.

Conclusion: From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the performance of the health security fund at the area level in Phang Nga Province It is at a reasonably good level. Or can be operated according to the rules for the most part It should improve or develop public participation and fund management.


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How to Cite

BOONYARAK, J. (2023). Operational Evaluation of Local Universal Health Coverage Fund, Phang Nga Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(1), 49–61. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/261457



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