The Rehabilitation of Elders’ Frozen Shoulder Joint in Suratthani Hospital


  • Nilubon Luechakiettisak suratthani Hospital


Aging, Frozen Shoulder joint, The relief frozen shoulder set


Background:  Frozen shoulder joint in elders was one of chronic diseases due to degenerative change of tendon and clavicle around the shoulder. It will become calcification and might deform if the disease was prolonged. The severity of frozen shoulder could also cause disability.

Objective:  To study the effect of innovation and compare the degree of shoulder joint motion before and after of using recommended exercises in order to develop the satisfaction of the elders who have frozen shoulder joint.

Method:  The quasi experimental research was aimed to relief frozen shoulder in elders who are 60 – 69 years old and are the patients in Suratthani Hospital. The samples were selected from the degree of shoulder movement in between 120 to 149 degrees by using Thai arthometric navigator scale or TAN scale. The number of samples was 85 elders. The methodology of this research is consisted of the questionnaire and the relief frozen shoulder exercises from Siriraj medicine and integrative medicine of Mahidol University. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to compare shoulder movement before and after by Paired sample t-test.

Results:  The research found that the sample relief frozen shoulder exercises by 10 reps per exercise, 4 exercises, 2 times a day, morning-evening, for 8 weeks. It is accounted for 100 percent. After the elders performed these recommended exercises, the elders have significantly more motions by p <.001. Before shoulder joint workout, the average levels of angle degree were 133.23 and 137.18 accordingly. After the workout, the average levels of angle degree were 158.16 and 161.35 respectively. So, the satisfaction of samples was excellent ( =3.83, S.D. =0.882)

Conclusion: The relief frozen shoulder exercises in elders can rehabilitate and resolve both frozen shoulder movement and increase the statistic satisfaction significantly.


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How to Cite

Luechakiettisak, N. (2023). The Rehabilitation of Elders’ Frozen Shoulder Joint in Suratthani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(1), 124–139. retrieved from



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